Report to:

Pension Committee


Date of meeting:


17 June 2022


Chief Finance Officer



Work Programme



To note the Board and Committee work programme


The Pension Committee is recommended to

1)    Agree the changes to the work plan standing items

2)    Note the work programme


1          Background & Supporting information

1.1       The work programme contains the proposed agenda items for future Pension Board and Pension Committee meetings over the next year and beyond. It is included on the agenda for each Committee meeting.

1.2     The work programme also provides an update on other work going on outside the Board and Committee’s main meetings, including working groups, upcoming training and a list of any information requested by the Board or Committee that is circulated via email.

1.3       This item also provides an opportunity for Members to reflect on any training they have attended since the last meeting.


2          Changes to the work plan standing items

2.1       Officers have removed the Employer Engagement and Contributions Report from the standing items of the Pension Committee agenda as this item was requested by the Pension Board specifically and will continue to be considered quarterly by the Pension Board. It is recommended this item is considered once a year or if there are any significant issues to note in relation to employers and contribution monitoring.

2.2       Officers have added an additional standing item to the Pension Board work plan to consider Communication developments of the East Sussex Pension Fund (the Fund). Officers do not recommend this is a quarterly item for the Pension Committee, however a less regular update will be provided with key items to note.


2          Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

2.1       The work programme sets out the Board and Committee’s work both during formal meetings and outside of them. The Committee is recommended to consider and agree the updated work programme including consideration the regularity of agenda items to ensure effective governance of the Fund at the scheduled meetings.



Chief Finance Officer




Contact Officer:

Sian Kunert, Head of Pensions
